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Grandpa Frank's Great Big Bucket List Blog Tour

It is no secret that I am a big fan of Jenny Pearson's writing, so I am delighted to be taking part in the blog tour for her latest brilliant book 'Grandpa Frank's Great Big Bucket List.' I am even more delighted that my stop on the tour is actually on publication day.

In celebration of the book's release Jenny has written about her own bucket list. Here is what she has to say:

My Great Big Bucket List

1. Learn to whistle with my fingers and do a pull up

This is actually one of the chapter titles in Grandpa Frank’s Great Big Bucket List and I stand by the fact that I think they are important life skills, both of which I am yet to accomplish. The reason I think they are important is for survival. I would like to be able to pull myself up should I ever find myself dangling off a cliff, and I would like to be able to whistle really loudly in case I ever need to whistle for attention if I was ever stranded at sea. These two skills may be important should I try out the following two items in my bucket list.

2. Swim the channel

I love swimming, especially outdoors. I’ve swum in various seas and lakes and also the Thames but I’d really like to give the Chanel a go. But more than that, I’d like to do it faster than David Walliams. I might not be able to sell more books than him, but maybe I could take him in the water? He was pretty rapid, doing it in roughly seven hours, (okay, it was seven hours and seventeen minutes – I know exactly how fast he went), but I think with enough training and pasta loading, I stand a chance. Maybe…

3. Climb a big mountain

I actually don’t mind which one. I just want to spend a few days climbing to see what the views like at the top. I think there’s something really appealing about working really hard just so you can stand somewhere high and look down.

4. Travel to friends

I’m sure like most people, I want to see more of the world. But more than that, I want to see more of my friends. I’d love to take a year out to travel to see friends who have moved overseas, or even friends who live in far flung places in the UK.

5. Swim with manta rays

I love scuba diving – getting to briefly visit another world, the silence under the water, just gliding and observing – it’s truly magical. I have a friend @gingeunderthesea on Instagram, who is an environmental conservationist and has the most wonderful photos of manta rays. I think to be able to be near them, would be the most incredible privilege.

My Review of Grandpa Frank's Great Big Bucket List

Let me tell you a secret: I don't like funny books.

Or at least if you had asked me about it a couple of years ago, that's what I would have said. Now I know better.

A couple of years ago I challenged myself to read beyond my own interests in the effort to become better informed about books that might be interesting to the children I teach.

One of the writers that I came across was a new author called Jenny Pearson who had written a book called 'The Super Miraculous Journey of Freddie Yates'. I picked it up expecting to find it a bit boring (as this was my preconception about funny books) but discovered to my delight that I absolutely loved it.

It was hilarious-I laughed my way through it. But what made it so brilliant was that it was also poignant and heartfelt and sad in places. It had some ridiculously silly moments but at it's root it also had a boy trying to discover who he was and what family actually meant whilst dealing with grief.

This was a revelation to me-here was a funny book that dealt with some really raw and sad issues with great sensitivity and great humour. It was a lesson in dealing with life with positivity and honesty. I was starting to understand what people saw in funny books. This book set the bar high on what sort of quality I expected from a funny book-a funny book, done right can be a great book.

Last year I was delighted to discover that Jenny's second book 'The Incredible Record Smashers' was equally as good as her first and met my expectations of a great funny book-to be hilariously funny but also poignant and honest and sad in places. It covers the issues of a girl learning to deal with her mother's mental health issues and again has some ridiculously funny moments as well as real heart and soul.

And so finally we come to the actual review for Jenny Pearson's latest book: Grandpa Frank's Great Big Bucket List.

Well, the first thing to tell you is that it does not disappoint. This is a great, funny book. I spent a very enjoyable Saturday reading it and at one point my wife said to me 'You definitely need to say it is laugh out loud funny' as I had spent most of the day chuckling away to myself as I read the book. This book made me laugh. A lot. But it also made me feel sad in parts. It made me cry as well. I was so invested in Frank (junior junior and senior senior) as their relationship built and their adventure progressed. Jenny has this ability to write characters that you really care about.

I realise I haven't actually told you much about the book yet and to be honest I'm not going to go into too much detail about what happens in it, suffice to say that it is a story where the characters grow and develop and discover more about living a good life in a heart-warming (and hilarious) way as the book progresses.

The story centres around the developing relationship between Grandpa Frank and his grandson, also called Frank. All of the Davenport men are called Frank (family tradition) and this leads to the set up of the book where the grandson Frank inherits a large sum of money to look after his grandfather.

Grandpa Frank is a curmudgeonly character when he first appears in the book. He is sad and lonely and has all his defences up to make sure he doesn't get more hurt. I liked him immediately-I'm not sure why this sort of character appeals to me but there you go. Grandson Frank is initially motivated by a further 'reward' for looking after his grandfather, a man who he doesn't know because his father and grandfather became estranged years previously.

As the story progresses Grandpa Frank and his grandson grow to know, love and respect each other. There are many funny moments (some involving a very large hot air balloon) and a whole host of quirky, funny characters that come into the lives of all the Franks.

As with all of Jenny's books there are real issues covered here with sensitivity and honesty. This book looks at loneliness and family relationships and how society views the elderly. I know I have been rather gushing in my praise of it, but it is simply a great book. I make know apologies for saying that, it really is. I can recommend it for anyone from 8+. I think many adults will enjoy it equally as much as children will (I certainly did).

You can order it here: Waterstones and

I'm now off to think about my own Great Big Bucket list.

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