How do you fit in and stand out when you feel different to everyone around you?
Frankie knows she's not like anyone else in her class: she's different, but she can't quite figure out why. Is it the new freckle on her nose, or the fact she's small for her age? Or that she has to go to the hospital sometimes?
Everyone else seems to think she's weird too, and they make fun of her at school. Frankie's dad left when she was a baby - maybe he was different too? It would explain why she always feels like an alien. So she and her best-friend Sam, embark on a mission to track him down.
A graphic novel offering a unique perspective on autism, told with humour and heart. Brought to life with glorious colour artwork in a distinctive blue and orange palette. Perfect for fans of Raina Telgemeier.
Frankie's World is a really interesting read. It is a very attractively presented graphic novel; I loved the illustrations and colour scheme, it made it very engaging to look at.
The story is equally engaging and is told with a lot of humour. Frankie is a girl who feels like she doesn't fit in and feels a bit like an alien. She finds quite a few things about school a challenge, from scary teachers and horrible bullies to loud noises and maths tests. She feels the only people that have any real understanding of her are her family.
Frankie is good at art but she's also good at saying the wrong thing at the wrong time and doesn't have very many friends. Her best friend is a girl called Sam, who is the cleverest in the class but also doesn't feel like she fits in because she is in a wheelchair and the other children aren't always kind.
This story takes you on a voyage of discovery in Frankie's world. She learns more about her self and learns to gain some confidence in herself as the story progresses. She learns that it is ok to be different and you need to learn to accept yourself-if anyone else has a problem with that, it is their loss. This is quite a life affirming book.
Aoife Dooley is autistic and it is great to get her perspective on growing up as an autistic person. I think this story, as well as being engaging and entertaining, could be really helpful to young people who feel they don't fit in themselves. I particularly liked the information section at the end of the book that gives a definition of autism and addresses some myths about it.
This book comes out in January 2022 and would be a good addition to any classroom for children aged 8 and above.
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